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Celebrating 2008

The CRCNPB's Third Year Review took place, at the University of Canberra, from 15 to 18 December 2008. The independent panel, Dr Kevin Sheridan (Chairman), Mr David Crawford and Dr Craig Phillips, complemented by the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (DIISR) nominee, Professor Elizabeth Deane, spoke to Participants, PhD students, Program Leaders, CRC Management, the Board's Third Year Review Subcommittee, CEO Simon McKirdy and myself.


From the arm of the chair


Professor John Lovett 

Professor John Lovett at home with his biosecure Angus Bull, Harold


Last week was a whirlwind week for the Cooperative Research Centre for National Plant Biosecurity.


From the arm of the chair

Given the Olympics have just closed and they're always a time when Americans (well not only Americans) think that Australia is a small, mountainous European country represented by men in leather shorts carrying beer steins (actually, re-reading that I can see where the confusion might come in...). They then wonder why so many medals are won for swimming. To avoid confusion, I ask all readers to pay very careful attention to the following!