Young CRCNPB scientist recognised in national award
Media Release: 28 November 2008
A PhD student's commitment to plant biosecurity research has won the 2009 Northern Territory Young Australian of the Year Award.
Banana Fusarium Wilt Tropical Race 4
Publication Type | Presentation | |
Year of Publication | 2011 | |
Authors | Meldrum, R. | |
Meeting Name | Northern Territory Government |
Research to contain banana wilt infection
In less than a decade the Fusarium fungal pathogen has devastated the Northern Territory’s banana industry, although tough quarantine measures have so far protected the economically
Fusarium wilt tropical race 4
Publication Type | Presentation | |
Year of Publication | 2009 | |
Authors | Meldrum, R. | |
Meeting Name | Eighth Australian Banana Industry Congress | |
Meeting Start Date | 5 June 2009 |
Epidemiological and biological studies of the exotic plant pathogen Fusarium wilt of banana caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense ‘tropical’ race 4 (FocTR4)
Publication Type | Presentation | |
Year of Publication | 2008 | |
Authors | Meldrum, R. | |
Meeting Name | Fusarium Meeting | |
Meeting Start Date | September 2008 |
Rachel Meldrum participated in the 2008 International Fusarium Laboratory Workshop.
When: June 2008
Location: Penang, Malaysia
Rachel Meldrum completed the International Fusarium Laboratory Workshop where she received training in the latest morphological, genetic and molecular techniques available for the identification and characterisation of Fusarium strains.
Main objective and purpose of the travel/visit and how does it relate to the objectives of the CRCNPB?
To participate in workshop where participants will be introduced to standard morphological, genetic and molecular techniques currently being used to identify and characterise Fusarium strains. Relevant for CRCNPB Program 2 Diagnostics and Program 6 Education and Training.
When: June 2008
Location: Penang, Malaysia
Dr Lucy Tran-Nguyen attended the International Fusarium Laboratory Workshop in Penang.
This research project will increase our knowledge about the epidemiology and biology of the exotic plant pathogen Fusarium wilt of banana caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense ‘tropical' race 4 (Foc TR4)
What is the biosecurity problem?
The strain Foc TR4 is already present in Australia (Darwin). However, through quarantine measures the disease has not progressed further than the outer Darwin rural area. Once Foc TR4 is introduced to a new area, establishment and further spread is rapid. Much about how the disease spreads so effectively is unknown. As yet, there are no methods of eradication of this fungus from a banana plantation. Alternative strategies need to be developed and validated that meet control and containment goals while minimising economic and social impact. This is particularly important if Foc TR4 is detected in important banana growing regions of Australia, such as Queensland, which is responsible for 95% of the Australian banana industry.
The main outputs of this project are to:
- increase in our knowledge of the epidemiology of Foc TR4
- Further understand of the infection processes of Foc TR4
- develop methods for containment and control of Foc TR4
Who will be the end-users of this research?
The potential end users of the knowledge acquired in this study includes people in the banana industry as well as people involved with Primary Industries.

Ms Rachel Meldrum
Student CRC60097: Fusarium TR4 - PhD
Phone: 08 8999 2247
Fax: 08 8999 2312
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Andrew Daly and Lucy Tran-Nguyen (DPIFM) and Elizabeth Aitken (UQ)
Supervising Institution
Northern Territory Department of Primary Industry, Fisheries and Resources, and The University of Queensland
February 2008 - February 2011