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CRC news updates

The CRCNPB has started sending out a new fortnightly email newsletter to ensure any CRC news is disseminated regularly to our stakeholders.

New starters for PBCRC

The CRC is pleased to announce the appointment of two Program Coordinators, who are joining the team in time for the launch of the Plant Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre (PBCRC).

The lighter side of PBCRC

The CRCNPB is currently looking at new program icons for each of the four research programs for the Plant Biosecurity Research Centre (PBCRC), which begins on 1 July 2012.

Plant Biosecurity CRC

The Plant Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre (PBCRC) received the good news in November 2011 that it had been successful in its bid to secure further funding from the CRC Program until June 20

PBCRC rebid gets nod

The CRCNPB is very pleased to announce it has been successful in its bid for additional funding from the CRC Program.