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thrips pests

This project will investigate the risk of the South African Citrus Thrips in Australia expanding its host range to include commercial crops, and asses the potential of this insect to damage those crops by placing it in the context of other pest thrips species.

What is the biosecurity problem?

South African Citrus Thrips has been recently detected in Australia, but, so far its spread appears to remain confined to the weed Mother of Millions. In South Africa, however, this insect is a pest of citrus, mango and other crops, and populations in Australia have been shown to feed on these plants. This insect may have value as a weed biological control agent, but the risk it presents to relevant crop growers must be further assessed.

The main outputs of this project are to:

  • better asses the potential of South African Citrus Thrips to form new host associations
  • improve understanding of other pest thrips in Australia
  • communicate risk information to relevant stakeholders
  • publish peer reviewed literature, and
  • train a PhD student in recognising and working with Australian pest thrips. 

Who will be the end-users of your research?

The end users of this research will be fruit growers and graziers in Queensland and northern New South Wales, weeds officers, pest management professionals and research scientists.



Brian Garms
Student CRC60108: South African Citrus Thrips in Queensland - PhD
Phone: 02 61254276

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John Truman (ANU), Laurence Mound and Nancy Schellhorn (CSIRO)
Supervising Institution
Australian National University
January 2009 – April 2011