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Amazing World of Science Competition Winners

The Cooperative Research Centre for National Plant Biosecurity hosted an exhibition booth at the Australian Science Festival's 'Amazing World of Science' from Wednesday 27 - Saturday 30 May. This was also held simultaneously as the annual Cooperative Research Centre Association conference.

Over the four days, over 10,000 people passed through the exhibition. As the CRCNPB has a strong focus on education and training, we had two biosecurity quizzes using our model village ‘Biosecureville' as the prompt for answers. The first quiz was targeted for school children with a number of questions around plant biosecurity, and students could win prizes such as a Bug Barn or Mp3 players. The second quiz was targeted for teachers and adults who were able to win a copy of the CRC's big book, Plant Pest Investigation.


Daily prizes were drawn and the winners have been notified by email and phone. Prizes will be sent on Wednesday 3 June.

(Please note, due to Privacy Legislation, only the first names have been published).

And the winners are:



Callum (Calwell Primary School)

Fiona (Radford College)

Connor (St Monica's Primary School)

Ikuno (Curtin Primary School)



Dijana B. (Narrabundah)

Kerri C (Duffy)

Cecilia M. (Calwell)

Kylie A. (Macquarie)