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Christine Campbell

Christine Campbell recently stepped down as the Executive Chairman of the Twynam Agricultural Group, based in NSW, a position she held for over 10 years. Twynam's agricultural interests are in both dryland and irrigated farming, principally producing beef, wool, cereals, rice and cotton.

Christine has 30 years experience in both financial and corporate management in the Australian agricultural, resource, manufacturing and investment industries and has held numerous industry positions, including with Cotton Australia and the National Farmers’ Federation.

She has been a member of CPA Australia since 1969 and a Fellow since 1990.

I am originally from Sydney and continue to reside in Sydney.

In my spare time, I enjoy outdoor activities, not that I am very good at any particular one, I enjoy long distance walking, kayaking and bike riding in particular.

At the moment I am reading Mao’s Last Dancer

If money (and time) was no option, I would love to travel more, see the world with the locals and enjoy the pleasure of sharing the many beautiful cultures that exist.

A quality I would most like to be remembered for is the ability to influence those around me to reach out and achieve beyond their perceived boundaries.

What I find most valuable about being a Board Member is firstly, we are in a forward thinking environment. We bring together diverse skills and outlooks which enable us to participate as a Group that listens and actions being conscious that the investments we make today should be of value for generations to come.

The CRC is a challenging environment, it has a national unity, bringing together scientists, educators, government and the community to achieve long term solutions to some of the most complex problems to protect the integrity of our crop production and plant life in Australia.