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“…there is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good-humour."
- A Christmas Carol
, Charles Dickens

Pretty much the reaction in CRCNPB circles when the hoped for Christmas present was delivered - and early, to boot. Thank you Santa Carr* and the DIISR elves.

In previous columns Simon and I have mentioned the fantastic amount of help and support we’ve received during the past two years. Much of this resulted from the common purpose and commitment which have developed since we launched the push to establish the CRCNPB back in 2004. Being part of the CRCNPB clearly means a lot to many people. I recall an element of gloom at the 2011 Science Exchange when there was concern that, maybe, it would be the last such event. To me, this was an indication of how much the CRCNPB has become valued – not least by the 160 or so scientists who contribute to its work - and it’s great that we shall all meet again in 2012 (and beyond) for a Science Exchange.

The Science Exchanges are part of the CRCNPB’s track record, which is enviable. CRCs need to carry out first rate science and, most importantly, science which is directed to meeting a demand. In this context I must mention Gary Kong and associates’ remarkable achievement as they continue to add to what have become known, irreverently, as ‘Kong’s Gongs’ for the development of the remote microscope network. Apart for the awards which have been made, progress with remote diagnostics was a certain winner so far as the successful Round 14 bid was concerned.

But we also need to reflect on the broader achievements of the CRCNPB. The publication record in scientific journals, for example, is sound and getting better; our PhD students are completing their theses and finding employment in plant biosecurity, and the ‘IP’ portfolio is growing and being nurtured with some commercial developments a distinct possibility.

What a tremendous platform from which to launch the PBCRC!

And work is well in hand to do just this. The earlier-than-expected announcement of the outcomes of CRC Round 14 meant that we had, effectively, an extra month in which to commence the many activities which need to be completed to ‘wind up’ the CRCNPB and to commence its successor.

CRCNPB Management has made good progress on several fronts, especially in dealing with the voluminous documentation required.


On 19 December Simon, Nick and I attended a meeting at DIISTRE# (as it has now become) for a CRC briefing. And on 20 December the Board held a Workshop to advance preparations for 2012. Participants are being kept ‘in the loop’. All indications are that the transition to the PBCRC can be managed with a – greatly to be desired - minimum involvement of the legal fraternity…….





[This is actually Ebenezer Scrooge but I refuse to say ‘Bah! Humbug!’ this Christmas because, if ever there was a ‘season to be jolly’, this is it].

Thank you, readers, one and all. 2011 was great but, bearing in mind the work that now has to be done, I’m reminded of one of Sir Winston Churchill’s many ‘quotable quotes’: “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning”. May you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and a Prosperous New Year. I look forward to working with you all in 2012.


*Armnote: the Gillard government reshuffle of 12 December included a new look for ‘Innovative Industries and Skills’.

  • In addition to his current responsibilities as Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, the Hon. Greg Combet AM MP has been appointed Minister for Innovation and Industry.
  • Senator the Hon. Chris Evans will remain Minister for Tertiary Education and Skills, along with new responsibilities as Minister for Science and Research. Greg Combet and Chris Evans will together head a new Department encompassing Skills, Higher Education, Innovation and Research. At the DIISRTE meeting on 19 December we were told that Senator Evans is expected to take responsibility for CRCs.
  • Senator the Hon. Kim Carr will take up new responsibilities as Minister for Manufacturing and Minister for Defence Materiel.

Senator Carr was the only Minister to lose his cabinet position as other demoted colleagues managed to hang on. Not a welcome Christmas reward for a politician who has been a friend of the CRC Program and is credited with a better outcome, in terms of numbers of bids supported in 2011, than had been expected. We can expect that Tony Peacock and the CRC Association will be working hard on our behalf to ensure that the new order is fully apprised of CRC achievements and aspirations.


#Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education.

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