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Our big backyard

Global Biosecurity Dinner

After two days of conferencing it was time for delegates to relax and enjoy themselves at the official conference dinner, kindly sponsored by Queensland University of Technology (QUT).

Hills Hoists dotted with board shorts and bikinis, lined the room, as the oak red backdrop filled the space with ambient lighting.

The theme of the evening was ‘Our Big Backyard’; a subliminal reflection of the privileged lifestyle and environment we enjoy as a result of good biosecurity practices. Through unique centrepieces, international delegates were able to gain an understanding of the things we as Australians enjoy – including the beach and backyard cricket. Domestic delegates were able to identify with the novel creations which decorated the tables.

MC for the evening, the ABC’s Bernie Hobbs entertained delegates with her sharp and witty humour, welcoming delegates to the dinner and starting phase one of the trivia quiz. The quiz created a ‘competitive’ buzz among delegates and allowed conference goers to mingle with others on their table.

Professor David Gust

Professor David Gust, Director of the Chemical, Earth and Life Sciences Portfolio of the Faculty of Science and Technology provided the formal address on behalf of QUT, discussing their biosecurity research portfolio across various disciplines and the new postgraduate curriculum in plant biosecurity.

Springer Publishing generously donated $1,000 prize money for the best poster, as well as for the best student poster. The conference dinner provided an opportunity for CSIRO’s Darren Kriticos, chair of the four-person poster review committee to present the prizes with Springer Publishing’s Zuzana Bernhart.  

The award for best student poster went to our very own PhD candidate, Bo Zhang for her poster titled, Invasion Genetics of Russian Wheat Aphid, Diuraphis noxia, in Western China and worldwide.  Bo studies externally through QUT, supervised by Dr Susan Fuller and CSIRO’s Dr Owain Edwards, and is based at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Global Biosecurity Poster Award WinnerThe best poster was awarded to Jim McGrath; Communications Manager from Plant Health Australia with his poster titled, Farm Biosecurity – a one stop shop for better practice. Farm Biosecurity is an initiative of Plant Health Australia and Animal Health Australia and is a national education and engagement campaign which aims to help producers reduce the risk of diseases, pests and weeds. A big and heartfelt congratulations to both Bo and Jim on their success.

The evening was very well attended and enjoyed by all. Some delegates enjoyed the night so much that they wanted to be able to remember it with a little souvenir, giving a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘budgie smugglers’.


Images: (source - Di Harris photographic)

Global Biosecurity 2010 conference dinner

MC Bernie Hobbs

QUT's Professor David Gust addresses the delegates

Springer Publishing's, Zuzana Bernhardt presents the prize for Best Poster to PHA's Jim McGrath and AHA's Thea McNaught-Reynolds