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Social networking arrives at the CRCNPB

The CRCNPB has recently launched Facebook and Linked-In web pages, which we hope will assist our researchers and stakeholders in keeping up-to-date with the latest CRCNPB news and will also assist in broadening our networking opportunities.

To ensure you receive the latest updates through Facebook, indicate that you ‘Like’ the CRCNPB Facebook page, which will provide you with a notification anytime something new has been loaded on the page.

For Linked-In – once you are on the CRCNPB page – choose to ‘Follow’ the CRCNPB page to receive the latest updates.

If you have any suggestions or content you would like posted on either of the web pages, please contact Andrew Crichton. We’d also love to have some photos of CRC events or research on them, so get uploading!

Please pass this information on to colleagues and friends who may be interested in being part of the CRCNPB’s growing network.