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‘tis the season….’

“Bah! Humbug!” said Scrooge, dipping his quill in the inkpot one more time. “Christmas! Nearly year’s end. Ledgers to make up. Cash contributions to count. More in-kind chickens than you can possibly eat. Bah! HUMBUG!!”

It is a bit like that isn’t it? Don’t you always feel that this is the time of year when everybody is emptying their desks on to yours, so that they can have a break feeling they’ve met their KPIs, delivered outputs and outcomes, and generally met their accountabilities? You don’t? Oh, so it’s just me. Well “Bah! Humbug!” to that.

There hasn’t been much “Bah! Humbug!” in 2009 as far as the CRCNPB has been concerned. We’ve actually had a pretty good year. The Third Year Review satisfactorily completed; follow-up actions taken and reporting deadlines met. A very successful Science Exchange gave ample evidence that our CRC is doing all the things that CRCs are supposed to do – good science; effective networking and delivering the goods in a timely fashion.

The last month has seen no let up in activities, with a Board workshop on intellectual property held on 23 November, followed by Board Meeting No.19 on 24 November. A Participants Meeting on 25 November devoted most of its attention to the ‘re-bid’ and was followed by the Fifth Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Cooperative Research Centre for National Plant Biosecurity Ltd. In my ‘Chairman’s Report’ to the AGM I mentioned many of the points in the previous paragraph, and emphasised what strong support the Participants had given to the activities of their CRC throughout the year. The attendance and contributions at Participants Meetings has been excellent and gives everyone confidence that expectations are being met. Nick Langley, our Business Manager, was able to present a Financial Report which had received an unqualified audit. Always a pleasing and reassuring result.

The AGM saw the retirement of four members of the Board, me included. It was very pleasing that the election which was held saw all retiring Board members elected for a two year term. Having half the Board retire each year is enshrined in the company’s Constitution. While it’s healthy to have provision for turn-over, continuity is also important, especially when there are major initiatives – like a re-bid – on foot. So we can move into 2010 with an established Board and Management team in place.

Five years ago those of us involved in the initial bidding process had one of the best Christmas presents ever - notification from the then Department of Education, Science and Training that the bid had been successful. While the news wasn’t delivered by reindeer and sleigh, and no-one had to climb down a chimney, there was a good deal of “Ho! Ho! Ho-ing!” to be heard. And, again, in 2006 with the success of the supplementary bid.

Shall we be able to celebrate again this time next year? Well, a Taskforce, convened as a committee of the Board, is working on the re-bid and we shall call in additional expertise on a needs basis as the work progresses.  We have a good understanding of the timelines involved and the expectations of the CRC Committee. Above all, nothing is being taken for granted. We can certainly stand on our record but, to succeed in gaining a further term of support, we need to have substantial new content in the scientific programs and, potentially, new participants to help to deliver them.

Next year will be busy. However, I shall hang my stocking up on Christmas Eve and sleep soundly (with ear plugs to deaden the sound of those jingling bells) knowing that the team will be on deck at 0830h on 1 January 2010, ready to go. Did I hear somebody say “Bah! Humbug!”?

‘Merry Christmas’ everyone and thank you all for your contributions to the CRCNPB in 2009.