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Mr James Darby was awarded a Bachelor of Engineering, Chemical, from the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia in 1978.
Since receiving his Bachelor James worked for nine years with Ricegrowers Co-op Ltd and has spent fifteen years with CSIRO Entomology. During this time James developed skills in grain aeration, thermal disinfestations, mechanical disinfestations, grain fumigation and novel storage technologies. James is currently a Senior Engineering Scientist with CSIRO.
Mr James Darby is researching models that predict resistance selection and disinfestation performance in the Australian grain supply chain. He is also researching into novel technologies for detecting insects and applying fumigants effectively. James is Project Leader for the Fumigation Technology project CRC50059 [1] and is also conducting research for the Ensuring Effective Phosphine Application project CRC50091 [2].
[1] http://legacy.crcplantbiosecurity.com.au/project/crc50059
[2] http://legacy.crcplantbiosecurity.com.au/program/post-harvest-integrity/project/crc50091-ensuring-effective-phosphine-application
[3] mailto:james.darby@csiro.au