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Life stage and resistance effects in modelling phosphine fumigation of Rhyzopertha dominica (Fab.)

Publication Type  Conference Proceedings
Year of Publication  2010
Authors  Thorne, J.; Fulford, G.; Ridley, A.; Schlipalius, D.; Collins, P.
Conference Name  10th International Working Conference on Stored-Product Protection
Conference Start Date  27/07/2010
Conference Location  Estoril, Portugal, 2010
Key Words  Rhyzopertha dominica; Population dynamics; Stored wheat; Phosphine fumigant; Low concentration

Resistance to phosphine in insect pests of stored grain is a serious problem and there is a world-wide need for the development of sustainable resistance management strategies. Here we introduce results from a new mathematical model of resistance development that includes all life stages, rates of oviposition, natural mortality and mortality under fumigation in relation to resistant genotype. The example we discuss is phosphine resistance in the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (Fab.), where resistance is known to be controlled by two major genes that are close to recessive in expression, so that resistance is not fully expressed unless both resistant genes are present and homozygous.

An example of a scenario where this model could be used concerns the repeat application of phosphine in a situation where control of all life stages has not been achieved. We determined a critical interval within which a second fumigation must occur to stop a rapidly recovering population of resistant genotypes. Such scenarios can be readily investigated using this approach to provide the grain industry with resistance management options and strategies.

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