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Research Publications
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2009. Report
Developing female lures for improved market access - Final Report.
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2011. Export: Tagged XML BibTex
Trapping to prove area freedom (Fruit fly trapping project) - Final Report.
:207. Abstract
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2011. Export: Tagged XML BibTex
Magazine Article
Reducing the impact of eradication for exotic grapevine diseases.
The Australian and New Zealand Grapegrower and Winemaker.
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2009. Export: Tagged XML BibTex
Conference Proceedings
Factors affecting short and long distance dispersal of fungal pathogens - Chickpea Ascochyta blight as a model.
9th International Congress of Plant Pathology. :158. Abstract
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2008. Export: Tagged XML BibTex
Simplifying surveillance for air-borne fungal pathogens.
9th International Congress of Plant Pathology. :95. Abstract
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2008. Export: Tagged XML BibTex
Conference Paper
“Alluring appeal” – evaluation and development of female fruit fly lures for improved market access.
Science Exchange 2011. Abstract
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2011. Export: Tagged XML BibTex
Eradication of Elsinoe ampelina by burning infected grapevine material.
17th Australasian Plant Pathology Conference.
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2009. Export: Tagged XML BibTex
Survival of pistachio dieback bacterium in buried wood.
17th Australasian Plant Pathology Conference.
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2009. Export: Tagged XML BibTex
Factors affecting short and long distance dispersal of fungal pests - Chickpea Ascochyta Blight as a model.
1st Annual Postgraduate Student Symposium - SARDI Research Centre. :9.
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2008. Export: Tagged XML BibTex
Factors affecting short and long distance dispersal of fungal pests – Chickpea Ascochyta blight as a model.
16th Biennial Australasian Plant Pathology Society. :237.
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2007. Export: Tagged XML BibTex
Factors Affecting Short and Long Distance Dispersal of Fungal Pathogens - Chickpea Ascochyta Blight as a Model.
CRC National Plant Biosecurity Science Exchange.
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2007. Export: Tagged XML BibTex
Novel approaches to surveillance monitoring for plant pathogens.
16th Biennial Australasian Plant Pathology Society Conference. :195.
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2007. Export: Tagged XML BibTex
Simplifying surveillance for air-borne fungal pathogens.
CRC National Plant Biosecurity Science Exchange.
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2007. Export: Tagged XML BibTex
Journal Article
CliMond: global high resolution historical and future scenario climate surfaces for bioclimatic modelling.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 3(1):53-64. Abstract
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2012. Export: Tagged XML BibTex
Modelling horses for novel climate courses: insights from projecting potential distributions of native and alien Australian acacias with correlative and mechanistic models.
Diveristy and Distrbutions. 17(5):978-1000. Abstract
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2011. Export: Tagged XML BibTex
Considerations for the Plant Biosecurity Policy Interface: A case study of Indonesian policy authority and community exchange.
Learning Communities: International Journal of Learning in Social Contexts. (2):185-208. Abstract
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2008. Export: Tagged XML BibTex