@article { NPB1311, title = {Managing biosecurity across borders: an Australian-Indonesian partnership to develop a community management model for the management of EPP incursions}, year = {2009}, abstract = {

Australia’s proximity to south east Asia, particularly eastern Indonesia which lies along much of Australia’s northern coastline, places strategic importance on northern Australia in terms of plant biosecurity. Successful eradication of emergency plant pests (EPP) in large measure depends on the length of time between the initial incursion and its subsequent identification. In this region, regional and remote communities are key drivers in early detection and reduction and management of incursions.

In Australia this means the involvement of Australian Indigenous rangers and enterprise owners whose cultural, social and economic livelihoods are connected to biosecurity and environmental outcomes, while in Indonesia, the local community members are small crop framers. As such, community organisations, and members have an essential role on the management of EPP incursions, and their support is recognised as crucial to achieving success in managing plant biosecurity across any borders. This paper provides an overview of the project, the community-based model for the management of EPP incursions and the partnership that has involved a range of stakeholders in the verification of the model. The model has demonstrated that both processes and structures need to incorporated to biosecurity management; the structures include governance structures in organisations, community groups and associations, mediated by well negotiated and understood processes. An effective model of community management of biosecurity involved identifying the community structures and resources, identifying and working with the community to establish awareness and common problems, identifying a common purpose and developing practical solutions. This paper will also provide an outline of the connected and PhD projects that inform the overall projects and provide a view of the project’s plans for the future.

}, author = {Falk, I and Wallace, R and Ndoen, M} }