@techreport { NPB1898, title = {Biosensor based detection of grain pests - Final Report}, year = {2012}, abstract = {
The aim of this project was to develop a technology based on insect-derived olfactory receptors that is applicable to use as biological detectors of insects in stored grains. These detectors will be suitable for use as sensors in a highly sensitive biosensor device. Such devices will be the equivalent of a detector dog that can perform real time detection and identification of a wide range of volatile chemicals but in a cheap, robust and constantly available machine form and with added knowledge on the identity of the chemicals detected. We envision that such biosensors would be utilised by end-users in an integrated approach to management of storage pests, in order to develop treatment thresholds that maintain market access but minimise development of phosphine resistance.
In the course of this project we have successfully identified and produced good candidates for the front end detectors of a biosensor device capable of detecting the stored grain pest Tribolium castaneum (Red flour beetle).
}, author = {Kelly Hill and Bradley Stevenson and Richard Glatz and Alisha Anderson} }