CRC for Plant Biosecurity - Bill Roberts en Staff Profile - Bill Roberts <p><strong><img hspace="3" alt="" vspace="3" align="left" width="160" height="190" alt="" src="/sites/all/files/billroberts.jpg" />My name is</strong> Bill Roberts <strong>and my role at CRC for National Plant Biosecurity is </strong>Principal Scientist.</p> <p><strong>I am originally from</strong> Canberra but I did live in various Australian cities and overseas for almost 20 years before returning.</p> <p><strong>Living in Canberra is</strong> great &ndash; a very convenient city with plenty to do and great bike paths.</p> <p><strong>My favourite or ideal holiday destination is</strong> Italy <strong>because</strong> it is the perfect mix of chaos, culture, a relaxed approach to life and great food.</p> <p><strong>In my spare time, I enjoy</strong> bicycling and making things in metal and wood.</p> <p><strong>I am not a great movie fan so</strong> I don&rsquo;t have a favourite.</p> <p><strong>At the moment I am reading</strong> the biography of Steve Jobs &ndash; what a bastard but he was brilliant!</p> <p><strong>If money was no option, I would</strong> promote world peace &ndash; well what else is there!</p> <p><strong>A quality I would most like to be remembered for is</strong> an ability to get along with everyone.</p> <p>Back to <em><a href="">The Leaflet</a></em>.&nbsp;</p> Bill Roberts staff profile Public Tue, 28 Feb 2012 22:44:14 +0000 CRICHTONA 1792 at