CRC for Plant Biosecurity - CRC30032
enDevelopment of a Smart Spore Trap
CRC30032hardware developmentLes ZellerScience ExchangeSmart Spore TrapPublicTue, 01 Mar 2011 22:34:36 +0000CRICHTONA1633 at workshop in Perth
<h1>Purpose for travel:</h1>
<p>Attend Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) workshop in Perth to contribute to the workshop outcomes, develop networks and discussed potential future project collaborations. In addition I presented examples of PDA's used for agricultural research within DPI&F and provide input and technical advice to advance the use of PDAs in the CRC.</p>
<h1>How this trip advanced/benefited the applicant's career:</h1>
<p>By presenting previous applications of PDAs, the other workshop participants gained a better understanding of my technical knowledge and professional capacity for future potential involvement in CRC projects. </p>
<p>Through project discussions and interactions I developed networks and discussed potential project collaborations with CRC personnel.</p>
<h1>The outcomes/benefits for the Australian plant biosecurity system:</h1>
<p>A good understanding of the requirements of PDAs within the CRC, for example:</p>
<li>expert systems for pest identification</li>
<li>GPS location, guidance and vehicle tracking</li>
<li>automatic data entry and wireless monitoring e.g. use of Bluetooth, barcodes etc.</li>
<li>form/database with minimal key strokes for data entry.</li>
<li>a mobile platform to rapidly aquire field data.</li>
<li>develop a bigger PDA Plant Biosecurity project</li>
<h1>Analysis of likely opportunities/long-term collaborations for the CRCNPB:</h1>
<p>Presentation by Ernestos Kostas highlighted issues with monitoring and reporting (in particular phosphine level monitoring over time), travel costs etc. </p>
<p>Antonio Robles talked of Smart traps and trapping grids and utilising embedded systems.</p>
<p>Greg Hopkins reiterated Ernestos's concerns and also spoke of grain inspection and sampling procedures.</p>
<p>We discussed my current MLA funded project on Remote Management Technologies and the possibility of remote monitoring of phosphine levels using a telemetry system. We are considering a project proposal for remote monitoring and to develop and test a system to automate Greg's current grain monitoring procedures e.g. insects, temperature and moisture for grain silos. </p>
CRC30032gpsgrainPDAPublic-31.989442115.861816Sun, 24 Aug 2008 23:13:33 +0000K.Scott794 at Flying Spore Traps
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<h3 class="field-label">Program</h3>
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<div class="field-item"><a href="/program/surveillance">Surveillance</a></div>
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CRC30032eppsporesurveillancetrapsuavComplete-27.488781152.995605Fri, 08 Aug 2008 04:58:48 +0000K.Scott714 at