CRC for Plant Biosecurity - asia en Remote Microscopy has landed in south east Asia <p><img height="77" src="" width="150" align="left" />Recently, Remote Microscope<em> </em>Project Leader, Dr Gary Kong and Remote Microscope Support Officer, Michael Thompson represented the Cooperative Research Centre for National Plant Biosecurity at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Regional Diagnostic Network Planning Workshop in Vientiane, Lao People&rsquo;s Democratic Republic. This workshop was aimed at developing and prioritising ideas for establishing a diagnostic network based around a specimen, &rsquo;clearing house&rsquo; which would direct specimens to an appropriate expert in the region. Attendees included representatives from Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Singapore with input also from Australia and New Zealand.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Gary Kong gave a presentation regarding the importance of diagnostics and how to increase diagnostic capacity. He focused on digital diagnostics including the role of Remote Microscopy as part of a digital one-stop-shop such as <a target="_blank" href="">PaDIL</a> which includes extensive data-basing functions. The functionality of remote microscope technology was also showcased in a live demonstration with an Oriental Fruit Fly that was physically located in Canberra but being successfully identified by an expert in Vientiane.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Many contacts were made in the ASEAN biosecurity community who showed keen interest in the Remote Microscope technology. As a result, remote microscopes will be installed in Thailand (Bangkok and Chang Rai), Vientiane in Laos, as well as Vietnam in October. The installation of this technology and training of operational personnel will result in an active SE Asian branch to complement the existing domestic remote microscope network.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Introducing remote microscopy and the diagnostic tools within <a target="_blank" href="">PaDIL</a> will increase diagnostic capacity in South East Asia and by extension, add to Australia&rsquo;s diagnostic network and contribute to our biosecurity practices across the biosecurity continuum.<br /> &nbsp;</p> <p><img height="419" src="" width="558" /></p> <p>Portable Remote Microscope setup in lab.</p> asia Remote microscopes Public Tue, 30 Jun 2009 02:54:45 +0000 VANMEURSA 1011 at