CRC for Plant Biosecurity - McKirdy en The Eighth Annual Banana Congress <p>The Eighth Annual Banana Congress was held on the Gold Coast from Thursday 4 June through to Saturday 6 June. As the banana industry will benefit from many of the CRC's research outputs, this congress provided a great opportunity to highlight the plant biosecurity research being undertaken by the CRC.</p> <p>&#160;</p> <p>Through an exhibition booth, delegates were able to learn more about the CRC's activities and the important role science plays in underpinning biosecurity practices. Posters of researchers in the field and fact sheets on CRC projects relevant to the banana industry were of particular interest to delegates. Enthusiastic delegates were able to have an interactive experience using the Plant Biosecurity Toolbox and Biosecurity Bank with guidance from project team member, Dean Beasley. CRC researchers, Brendan Murphy and Les Zeller also shared their expertise with delegates.</p> <p>&#160;</p> <p>Keeping with the theme of the conference ‘New technologies: fresh directions', CRCNPB CEO, Dr Simon McKirdy gave a presentation on Future Diagnostics, Surveillance and Response. This talk reinforced the CRC's commitment to delivering innovative world-class plant biosecurity research outcomes.</p> <p>&#160;</p> <p>CRCNPB Phd candidate, Rachel Meldrum, also gave a presentation on ‘Fusarium Wilt ‘Tropical' Race 4', a disease which affects banana plants. Rachel's presentation was focused on her research which is investigating how the disease is spread. This was very well received by industry, as this disease is not present in Queensland (where 95% of bananas are grown).</p> <h1>Banana pests beware: growers have the tools to keep you out </h1> <p>Australian banana growers now have access to a one-stop-shop for information on how to prevent and stop the spread of pests and diseases that threaten their farms and industry. The Farm Biosecurity Manual for the Banana Industry highlights important information about good biosecurity practices such as spotting the industry's high priority pests and diseases, tips on farm hygiene, and how to ensure planting material is pest and disease free.</p> <p>&#160;</p> <p>The Manual was developed by Biosecurity Queensland and Plant Health Australia and is available online with a number of other biosecurity resources at <a href="" title="Farm biosecurity toolkit"></a></p> <p>&#160;</p> <p><img src="/sites/all/files/images/Banana%20article%20web.jpg" alt="Banana Congress" width="525" height="350" /> </p> <p>Dean Beasley and Brendan Murphy show the CRC's Biosecurity Bank</p> banana McKirdy Public Tue, 30 Jun 2009 03:14:09 +0000 VANMEURSA 1013 at