CRC for Plant Biosecurity - QUAD en Quadrilateral (QUAD) Working Group on Exchange of Diagnostic Tools for Plant Pests <p>Dr Jacek Plazinski participated in the Quadrilateral (QUAD) diagnostic Tools Collaboration Working Group meeting. The two main objectives for the QUAD Diagnostic Tools project team are to one, identify and coordinate the development of diagnostic tools for plant pests and two, foster cooperation and collaboration programs to advance plant health knowledge, science and technology in areas of mutual interest and in accordance with QUAD priorities.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Within the scope of this work it is expected that new partnership opportunities with agencies, institutions, and organisations from Australia (AUS), Canada (CAN), New Zealand (NZ) and the United States of America (USA)&nbsp;(the four countries that form QUAD) will be established to improve future work of sub-committee on Plant Health Diagnostic Standards.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> The following project areas were identified for collaboration in 2009 - 2010</p> <ul> <li>Development of germplasm testing methods and manuals &ndash; AUS, NZ, USA.</li> <li>Distribution of validated protocols &ndash; AUS, NZ, CAN, USA.</li> <li>Validation of diagnostic protocols &ndash; AUS, NZ.</li> <li>Verification of test methods &ndash; all countries to share.</li> <li>Sharing protocols for proficiency testing &ndash; all countries, NZ and CAN to lead.</li> <li>Establishing international network of researchers working on barcoding for arthropods, fungi, and plants &ndash; all countries, CAN to lead.</li> <li>Efficacy of detection of pathogens in tissue culture &ndash; CAN, NZ, USA.</li> <li>Organising E-learning workshops &ndash; NZ and USA to lead.</li> <li>Sharing new technology &ndash; USA to lead.</li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> There are many technologies that can be shared between QUAD member countries through interactions and collaborations with the USA laboratories. There is also an opportunity for the CRCNPB to initiate a long-term collaboration in adopting new technologies in Australia. <br /> &nbsp;</p> QUAD Quadrilateral Public 45.460131 -75.761719 Tue, 13 Oct 2009 22:39:10 +0000 VANMEURSA 1185 at