CRC for Plant Biosecurity - CRC researcher en Dr Felipe Gonzalez <p><strong><img height="127" alt="" hspace="2" width="104" align="left" vspace="2" src="/sites/all/files/image/Gonzalez_-web(1).jpg" />My name is</strong> Dr Felipe Gonzalez <strong>and my role at CRC for National Plant Biosecurity is </strong>joint project manager and primary investigator on the <em><a target="_blank" href="">CRC30032:</a> Flying Spore Traps </em>project.</p> <p>I completed my PhD in Aeronautical Engineering at The University of Sydney in 2006, my research area is multi-disciplinary design optimisation. I have published five journal papers, three book chapters and 28 refereed conference papers on the topic.</p> <p><strong>I am originally from </strong>South America <strong>and the thing I miss the most is </strong>my family.</p> <p><strong>Living in </strong>Brisbane <strong>is</strong> fantastic, good friends and really good research and academic environment at both Queensland University of Technology and Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation.</p> <p><strong>My favourite or ideal holiday destination</strong> is anywhere <strong>because</strong> I seem to always find new ways and culture wherever I go.</p> <p><strong>In my spare time, I enjoy </strong>leisure time with my family and learning to fly.</p> <p><strong>At the moment I am reading </strong>the bizarre mix of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson and Dynamics of Flight: Stability and Control by Bernard Etkin.</p> <p><strong>If money was no option, I would </strong>resolve poverty.</p> <p><strong>A quality I would most like to be remembered for is</strong> perseverance.<br /> &nbsp;</p> CRC researcher Felipe Gonzalez leaflet Public Tue, 29 Jun 2010 23:49:01 +0000 VANMEURSA 1502 at