CRC for Plant Biosecurity - postgraduate study en Postgraduate coursework in plant biosecurity <p><em><strong>Equip yourself for a career to protect your nation's agricultural and environmental future</strong></em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h1>&nbsp;<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" style="width: 414px; height: 299px" src="" /></a></h1> <p>This postgraduate study in plant biosecurity has been developed specifically for those working in the plant biosecurity sector&nbsp;or for people who wish to pursue a career in plant biosecurity. The individual units are delivered entirely online, so you can study in the comfort of your own home.</p> <p>Feedback regarding&nbsp;the postgraduate study has been extremely positive with many students&nbsp;commenting that the course content and format was&nbsp;excellent and very relevant and useful to them.&nbsp;</p> <ul> <li><em>I haven't studied for 15 years and never online, interesting experience and a pleasant return to study. <br /> </em></li> <li><em>Easy to understand format for delivery, timelines for study/assignments/quizzes was good. <br /> </em></li> <li><em>It has been very enjoyable to do the course! <br /> </em></li> <li><em>The lecture material was very good, very useful! <br /> </em></li> <li><em>Very relevant and useful. <br /> </em></li> <li><em>I would certainly recommend the [Plant Biosecurity in Practice] unit to other colleagues and would even suggest that this unit is completed in the first year of service as it provides a fantastic grounding to the big picture of biosecurity. <br /> </em></li> <li><em>I found the content to be of a high standard and providing a detailed picture of not only domestic but international biosecurity.</em></li> </ul> <p>If you hold a relevant degree from a recognised university you will be eligible to enrol directly into the Diploma or Masters course. If you do not hold a degree but hold relevant professional experience you will be eligible to enrol in the Graduate Certificate. You may be required to provide proof of your relevant degree/professional experience.</p> <p>Individual units are also available for those interested in taking only certain units. To apply for individual units you need to register as a &lsquo;non-award&rsquo; or &lsquo;continuing education student&rsquo;, detailing the units you want to complete on your application.</p> <p>If you are currently enrolled in another postgraduate course you may be able to complete units from the plant biosecurity program and have them count towards your qualification. This is called &lsquo;Cross Institutional Enrolment&rsquo; or &rsquo;Cross Enrolment&rsquo;. To apply, you need to seek permission from the institution where you are enrolled and then submit the relevant forms from your institution to the institution offering the relevant units.</p> <p>The cost of each unit, with the exception of the Masters Dissertation, is from AUD$2,500 for 2011 (depending on where you enrol). Domestic students may be eligible to apply for <a target="_blank" href="">Fee-Help</a>.</p> <p>If you require any further information please refer to the Plant Biosecurity Program&nbsp;<a target="_blank" href="">website</a>&nbsp;or contact Kirsty Bayliss at <a href=""></a> or 08 9360 2814.</p> biosecurity study postgraduate study Public Thu, 14 Oct 2010 06:02:07 +0000 VANMEURSA 1535 at