CRC for Plant Biosecurity - facebook en Have you found us on Twitter? <p>The CRCNPB is embracing the world of social networking, with a Twitter page joining the Facebook site.</p> <p>Twitter and Facebook provide further networking opportunities &ndash; both for the CRCNPB and individuals who &lsquo;Follow&rsquo; or &lsquo;Like&rsquo; our pages.</p> <p>The CRCNPB will use Twitter to post regular news updates and is also a fantastic way to track news from others who have an interest in plant biosecurity.</p> <p>You can &lsquo;Follow&rsquo; us at the <a target="_blank" href=";nid=15&amp;uid=493565480&amp;utm_content=profile#!/PBCRC">CRCNPB Twitter page</a>.</p> <p>If you haven&rsquo;t &lsquo;Liked&rsquo; us on Facebook yet, you can do so by visiting our <a target="_blank" href="">Facebook page</a> and clicking on the &lsquo;Like&rsquo; icon.</p> <p>Back to <em><a href="">The Leaflet</a></em>.&nbsp;</p> facebook The Leaflet twitter Public Tue, 28 Feb 2012 22:32:02 +0000 CRICHTONA 1789 at Social networking arrives at the CRCNPB <p>The CRCNPB has recently launched <a target="_blank" href="">Facebook</a>&nbsp;and <a target="_blank" href="">Linked-In</a> web pages, which we hope will assist our researchers and stakeholders in keeping up-to-date with the latest CRCNPB news and will also assist in broadening our networking opportunities.</p> <p>To ensure you receive the latest updates through Facebook, indicate that you &lsquo;Like&rsquo; the CRCNPB Facebook page, which will provide you with a notification anytime something new has been loaded on the page.</p> <p>For Linked-In &ndash; once you are on the CRCNPB page &ndash; choose to &lsquo;Follow&rsquo; the CRCNPB page to receive the latest updates.</p> <p>If you have any suggestions or content you would like posted on either of the web pages, please contact <a href="">Andrew Crichton</a>. We&rsquo;d also love to have some photos of CRC events or research on them, so get uploading!</p> <p>Please pass this information on to colleagues and friends who may be interested in being part of the CRCNPB&rsquo;s growing network.</p> facebook linkedin social networking Public Wed, 04 May 2011 05:10:53 +0000 CRICHTONA 1654 at