CRC for Plant Biosecurity - board profile en Jim Cullen <p><img hspace="3" vspace="3" align="left" width="125" height="173" alt="" src="/sites/all/files/jimcullen.jpg" />While I was still at school I had to decide whether to become an architect or a biologist. A keen interest in natural history and the outdoors, aided and abetted by liberal doses of Gerald Durrell and David Attenborough, meant that field ecology won the day.</p> <p>However, I did spend time as a part-time demonstrator in Building Science in the School of Architecture in Adelaide while doing a PhD in insect population ecology. I've actually spent a large part of the last two months trying to balance the books as Treasurer of the National Jaguar Rally held in Canberra this year, from which you might guess I have an interest in classic cars and their restoration, Jaguars and MGs in particular.</p> <p>Otherwise I have a voluntary responsibility for CSIRO's Science Team's postgraduate scholarship program, act Presidentially for CSIRO Alumni and try to get to some old data, that is apart from grandchildren, the garden, photography, bushwalking, travel etc. etc.</p> <p><strong>I grew up </strong>across the Mersey from Liverpool, but came to Adelaide to do a PhD when it was the centre of debate over population regulation in ecology. Adelaide and Australia had everything I wanted (except for the Beatles) and most people who know me would know that <strong>the only thing I miss </strong>about the UK are English pubs.</p> <p>We love <strong>living</strong> in Canberra. We like the opportunities for the family, the proximity of the bush, the seasons and the fact that Sydney is only three hours down the road for the occasional big city fix.</p> <p>I don't have a <strong>favourite holiday destination</strong>. We've travelled extensively and sometime I'd like to get back to the Galapagos, the Andes, the Kimberley, the Centre and of course our regular haunts in southern Europe, particularly Montpellier, where we spent four years in the 80s.</p> <p><strong>In my spare time, I</strong> enjoy having time to decide what I want to do, probably making or fixing something.</p> <p><strong>My favourite movies</strong> range from High Noon and The Magnificent Seven, to Erin Brokovich, Chocolat, Oranges and Sunshine and many more I've forgotten. I don't think I could pick one.</p> <p><strong>At the moment I am reading </strong>&quot;Joe Cinque's Consolation&quot; by Helen Garner, the story of a bizarre murder trial here in Canberra, but last month it was the last of the Millennium Trilogy and a John Grisham novel.</p> <p>Pipe dreams are a great escapist delight. <strong>If money was no option, I would </strong>probably endow a couple of research positions, help out one or two charities, have a collection of classic cars and import a few English pubs, lock, stock and barrel. But time is what is precious and that takes a bit of fixing.</p> <p>Thinking about <strong>what I would most like to be remembered for </strong>is a bit like writing your own obituary, but I'd like to think I had more vision than our current crop of politicians (not difficult), was capable of recognising a good idea and making things work, mechanically or managerially.</p> <p><strong>What I find most valuable about being a Board Member is</strong> working with a group of experienced people with a great range of complementary skills, all dedicated to the concept of a Biosecurity CRC.</p> board profile Jim Cullen Public Mon, 05 Sep 2011 04:35:39 +0000 CRICHTONA 1695 at Chris Richardson <p><img hspace="3" vspace="3" align="left" width="165" height="189" alt="" src="/sites/all/files/ChrisR.jpg" />From a biosecurity perspective I am currently chair of the WA Biosecurity Council which has responsibility to provide the WA Government with policy advice on all issues biosecurity in regard to all terrestrial and marine biosecurity issues from a Government, industry and community perspective.</p> <p>I also work with one of the emerging carbon industry companies in WA that is establishing carbon sinks, under contract, in the WA wheat belt on behalf of significant emitters from the resources industry</p> <p><strong>I am originally from</strong> a farming family located at Broomehill in the WA Great Southern region and <strong>the thing I miss the most</strong> are the livestock and farm dogs.</p> <p><strong>Living</strong> in Swanbourne WA is very pleasant and Swanbourne experiences a wonderful climate.</p> <p><strong>My favourite or ideal holiday destination is</strong> the Kimberley region of WA because of the wonderful variation of colours in the environment and the large remote areas with the associated challenges that remoteness brings.</p> <p><strong>In my spare time, I enjoy</strong> playing lawn bowls, socialising with friends, following AFL and cricket.</p> <p><strong>My favourite movie is....</strong> I am not a great movie buff. I think that in the last 30 years I have seen only two movies from start to finish at the cinema, without falling asleep during the screening.</p> <p><strong>At the moment I am reading</strong> to keep abreast of current affairs and issues as I am not an avid reader of books as such. </p> <p><strong>If money was no option</strong>, I would travel Australia in a Winnebago type vehicle, stopping for short stays, where ever we wished.</p> <p><strong>A quality I would most like to be remembered for is</strong> a commitment to making a difference on issues that I am passionate about.</p> <p><strong>What I find most valuable about being a Board Member is</strong> the opportunity to make a difference in the plant biosecurity business, especially from both industry and government perspectives.</p> board profile Chris Richardson The Leaflet Public Thu, 30 Jun 2011 00:52:02 +0000 CRICHTONA 1676 at Barry Windle <p><img hspace="3" alt="" vspace="3" align="left" width="165" height="232" src="/sites/all/files/barry.jpg" /></p> <p>I&rsquo;ve been semi-retired since 2004 after a career in the South Australian Department of Agriculture/Primary Industries, where I finished as an Executive Director. I&rsquo;m still doing occasional consulting work and much voluntary work for our local Natural Resources Management (NRM) Board and NRM projects. I coordinate a catchment revegetation project which includes our property and other landholders in the Mount Lofty Ranges (near Hahndorf). With some &lsquo;real&rsquo; work, grandfather duties (for 7+), some Murray River cruising and flying or maintaining a micro-light aircraft, my diary is usually full.</p> <p><strong>I am originally from</strong> suburban Adelaide, but having lived in the Adelaide Hills since 1971, I really <strong>don&rsquo;t miss anything </strong>to do with <br /> city life.</p> <p><strong>Living</strong> on a property at Balhannah gives us a rural environment and the opportunity to raise a few White Dorper sheep. Being close to Adelaide, we visit for a regular dose of culture from the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra.</p> <p><strong>My favourite holiday destination is </strong>Goolwa on the south coast because it is totally relaxing and I enjoy both the river and surf beach activities.</p> <p><strong>In my spare time I enjoy</strong> flying my micro-light, learning more about aviation generally and trying to keep fit.</p> <p><strong>My favourite movie is</strong> Monsoon Wedding because we spent some time living and working in India and it brings back a lot of good memories.</p> <p><strong>At the moment I am reading</strong> &ldquo;Last Night I Dreamed of Peace: The Diary of Dang Thuy Tram&rdquo;.</p> <p><strong>If money was no option</strong>, I would like to visit more countries and travel at a very leisurely pace.</p> <p><strong>A quality I would most like to be remembered for is</strong> working with the local community for long term improvement to land and habitat management.</p> <p><strong>What I find most valuable about being a Board Member is</strong> the opportunity to add to the nation&rsquo;s ability to respond to damaging pest incursions that take a heavy toll on farmers, communities and the natural environment. I also really enjoy the stimulation from working with committed fellow Directors and interacting with our science community.<br /> &nbsp;</p> Barry Windle board profile The Leaflet Public Wed, 04 May 2011 06:25:50 +0000 CRICHTONA 1657 at