CRC for Plant Biosecurity - remote microscope network en RMN wins the inaugural Innovation Award <p>The Remote Microscope Network (RMN) has received its third recognition for 2011, this time taking out The Australian Innovation Challenge Award in the Agriculture and Food sector.</p> <p>Congratulations to Gary Kong and his team for taking out the award, which along with the prestige also returned $5000 to the CRCNPB to be put towards further research activities.</p> <p>More information is available at <a target="_blank" href="">The Australian Innovation Challenge</a> website or by visiting the CRCNPB&rsquo;s <a target="_blank" href="">Facebook page</a>.&nbsp;</p> <p class="rtecenter"><img alt="" width="389" height="259" src="/sites/all/files/innovation_award.jpg" /><br /> <span style="font-size: smaller">The Australian Innovation Challenge winners at the awards ceremony in Brisbane.<br /> <img alt="" width="400" height="266" src="/sites/all/files/gary_kim.jpg" /><br /> Gary Kong is congratulated by the former Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, the Hon Kim Carr.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <div> <div>Back to <em><a href="">The Leaflet</a></em>.&nbsp;</div> </div> </p> Gary Kong Innovation award remote microscope network RMN Public Mon, 19 Dec 2011 05:42:57 +0000 CRICHTONA 1759 at RMN takes out Premier’s Award <p>The Remote Microscope Network (RMN), together with the Plant Biosecurity Toolbox and Pest Diseases Image Library, is a world leader in providing time sensitive and accessible information on outbreaks of exotic plant pests and diseases through web based diagnostic resources.</p> <p>In recognition of this ground breaking work, the project has been awarded with a Queensland Premier's Award for Excellence in Public Service Delivery, which recognises excellence, best practice and improvements in public service delivery.</p> <p>The RMN was the winner of the category awarded for protecting Queensland&rsquo;s lifestyle and environment.</p> <p>For more information visit the <a target="_blank" href="">Premier&rsquo;s Awards</a> website, where you can also view <a target="_blank" href="">photos</a> from the event.</p> <p>This is the second award the RMN has received in 2011, following the CRC Association award for excellence in innovation which was awarded in May.</p> <p><img alt="" width="400" height="240" src="/sites/all/files/award.jpg" /></p> <p><span style="font-size: smaller">John Chapman, Gary Kong, Michael Thompson and Emma Colson with Premier Anna Bligh at the awards ceremony.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: smaller"><span style="font-size: larger">Back to <em><a href=""><strong><font color="#73ad04">The Leaflet</font></strong></a></em>.&nbsp;</span></span></p> Gary Kong Michael Thompson premier award remote microscope network RMN Public Tue, 08 Nov 2011 03:39:10 +0000 CRICHTONA 1731 at RMN project wins innovation award <p>The Cooperative Research Centre for National Plant Biosecurity (CRCNPB) has been recognised for the groundbreaking research it has been undertaking, winning an Award for Excellence in Innovation for its Remote Microscope Network (RMN).</p> <p>The award was presented by Professor Margaret Sheil &ndash; CEO of the Australian Research Council &ndash; at the annual CRC Association Conference Awards Dinner, which was held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre on 18 May.</p> <p>The new RMN system, which links field officers with national and international experts, has enabled a dramatic speed-up in the identification of exotic insects and diseases which may pose a threat to crops and the environment in Australia.</p> <p>The RMN is used in conjunction with the Plant Biosecurity Toolbox (PBT), which includes high quality images as well as information about the distribution. Together they enable field officers to identify pests quickly and accurately, and respond to any threats. This could save millions of dollars in eradication costs and lost market access for Australian producers.</p> <p>CRCNPB CEO Dr Simon McKirdy, who accepted the award on behalf of the project team, said the project pioneered the use of existing technologies to develop a new and innovative approach to diagnostics for the plant health community.</p> <p>A promotional video, which was shown at the Awards Dinner and highlights the innovative work the RMN has achieved, can be <a target="_blank" href="">viewed here</a>.</p> <p>To find out more about the RMN and the award, read the <a href="/sites/all/files/2011 CRCA Award Submission Low Res.pdf">CRCNPB award submission</a>.</p> CRCA award Gary Kong Michael Thompson remote microscope network RMN RSS feed Public Thu, 19 May 2011 22:49:29 +0000 CRICHTONA 1664 at