CRC for Plant Biosecurity - sponsorship en CRCNPB supports Grains Conference <p>CRCNPB staff members David Eagling (Research Leader) and Andrew Crichton (Communications Officer) attended the Australian Grains Industry Conference in Melbourne from 25-27 July 2011, staffing an exhibition booth to further develop awareness about the CRCNPB and support the grains industry.</p> <p>An enjoyable aspect of the conference for David and Andrew was catching up with colleagues from CRCNPB participant organisations, as well as making new contacts in the grains industry - some of whom raised interesting biosecurity questions relating to the industry.</p> <p>The mixture of presentations, exhibition sessions and social functions provided ample opportunity to learn more about the grains industry while also building on professional networks. </p> <p>Presentations from the conference are available on the <a target="_blank" href="">Australian Grains Industry Conference</a> website.</p> exhibition booth Grains conference sponsorship Public Mon, 05 Sep 2011 04:49:59 +0000 CRICHTONA 1697 at CRCNPB provides sponsorship at conferences in Queensland <p>The CRCNPB supported the Cooperative Research Centre Association&rsquo;s annual conference in Brisbane during May, with an exhibition booth throughout the conference.</p> <p>It provided the CRCNPB with a great opportunity to meet with staff from other CRCs to network and discuss issues which may commonly affect CRCs and learn about the great research being undertaken by CRCs across the country.</p> <p>The CRCNPB also recently supported the banana industry at their biannual congress. After a tough 12 months, the banana industry came together in early June for three days of presentations, exchanging ideas and networking at the Hyatt Regency at Coolum on the Sunshine Coast.</p> <p>The CRCNPB&rsquo;s exhibition stand provided banana growers with the opportunity to ask questions about CRCNPB&rsquo;s activities and take away from the stand a range of information (and caps!).</p> <p>More information about either of the conferences is available by contacting <a href="">Andrew Crichton</a>.</p> banana congress CRCA conference exhibition booth sponsorship Public Thu, 30 Jun 2011 01:30:32 +0000 CRICHTONA 1680 at