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Christine Campbell

Christine Campbell recently stepped down as the Executive Chairman

East Indonesia holds inaugural biosecurity forum

Indonesia is a major gateway to Australia from all parts of Asia and the Pacific and is therefore vitally important for Australia’s biosecurity.

Recruiting Australia’s future plant biosecurity scientists

Capturing the imagination of school children and developing their enthusiasm f

Modelling pest risks

The IVth International Pest Risk Modelling Workshop was held in Port Douglas from 23-25 August. The theme for this year’s workshop was ‘pest risk in

Myrtle rust surveillance

You could be forgiven for thinking it&

In limbo?

After the frenzied activity leading up to the submission of the bid to establish a Pla

Spreading the collaboration

Australia faces a significant challenge in order to minimise the entry, establish

Grains sampling strategy goes overseas

The Stored Grains Sampling Strategies project team share knowledge abroad.
Dr David Elmouttie taking grains samplesThe Austra

Improving detection probabilities for pests in stored grain

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  2010
Authors  Elmouttie, D.; Kiermeier, A.; Hamilton, G.
Journal Title  Pest Management Science
Pages  1280-1286
Start Page  1280
DOI  10.1002/ps.2009