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diagnostic database

The evolution of diagnostics

On Sunday 12 February 1809, Charles Robert Darwin was born; a British naturalist who would become famous for his contribution to science and theories of evolution. During 1829 while studying a Bachelor of Arts, he began eagerly collecting beetles, with some of his findings published in Stephens' Illustrations of British Entomology.


Step forward 200 years and Darwin's legacy into diagnostics continues with the launch of two unique web-based tools which quickly and accurately identify plant pests and diseases threatening Australia.


This project is developing a mix of digital technologies designed to provide the building blocks of future diagnostic information systems. The Plant Biosecurity Toolbox™ and the Biosecurity Bank are web-based tools which provide users with specific diagnostic information to assist them identify the plant pest or disease. The Plant Biosecurity Toolbox™ can be accessed through PaDIL* and hopefully in the future users will also be able to access the Biosecurity Bank through this portal.

In addition, a Remote Microscope Network allows species experts to view and identify specimens in real time via a microscope and internet connection. This tool facilitates access to experts both nationally and internationally to support fast and inexpensive diagnostics. Current nodes of the network include most states of Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia and some south-east Asian countries.

What is the biosecurity problem?

The frenetic increase in the pace of people movement and international trade puts added pressures on our borders and a greater need to quickly identify potential harmful pests and diseases. Through retirement of skilled diagnosticians and a low-level of uptake to study these disciplines, we are seeing a decline in our human capital. It is essential that alternative strategies are developed to support quick and accurate diagnostics in an increasingly resource poor environment.

The main outputs of this project are to:

  • develop a standard diagnostic information template in collaboration with staff involved in plant biosecurity diagnostics
  • audit diagnostic information relating to harmful pest and diseases to populate the template and identify gaps in diagnostic information, and 
  • provide a web-based portal to access diagnostic information.

Who will be the end-users of this research?

Users will range from inspectors in our ports and borders to field-based crop protection officers, to taxonomists and experts in labs. This may include farmers, consultants, policy makers, regulators or just simply members of the public. Users may be national or international. These tools engage a wide audience and provide information at a number levels – from taxonomy and general biology to risk analysis and detailed molecular tests.

What this means for future diagnostics

Viewed independently, the tools present the user with a simple pathway to solve a diagnostic problem and in so doing, perform the useful biosecurity function of pest identification. Wider access and use of the tools will be enhanced through the application of better digital technologies, such as personal digital assistants, wireless networks, portable remote microscopes, dedicated web portals and organised networks of facilities with agreed standards and processes.

Beyond this primary function, people interact with the tools to create an instantaneous log of pest specimens, their prevalence and locations which can then be picked up by analytical databases such as the Atlas of Living Australia that will aggregate and draw on these tools and data to provide a deeper understanding of trends. In this sense, these tools provide the materials for future heuristic models of analysis.








*PaDIL is a partnership between the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia, Plant Health Australia, Museum Victoria, Queensland University of Technology and the Cooperative Research Centre for National Plant Biosecurity.


Dr Gary Kong
Project Leader CRC27012: National Diagnostic Database

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January 2007 – December 2011
$1,013,428 (cash and in-kind support)




Through a web-based remote microscope system, this project will improve the responsiveness to potential incursions by reducing delays in diagnosis, particularly in remote areas. This technology will provide national and international real-time microscope links between experts and non-experts. Diagnostic centres will be linked via web-based communication, for example, through an access portal located on the Diagnostic Database website see CRC27012

What is the biosecurity problem?

Currently, biological specimens requiring identification are mailed to taxonomic experts for determination. This may take several days and delay diagnosis and any response to deal with potential incursions.

The main output of this project is to:

  • evaluate the effectiveness and practicalities of using web-based microscopes in the field, linked to plant laboratories supported by user-friendly software, to dramatically reduce the time required for expert taxonomic identification of emergency plant pests.

Who will be the end-users of this research?

The system will be used by biosecurity researchers (expert-to-expert) and operational staff (expert-to-non-expert) who will have the opportunity to access the remote microscope network via central hubs.


Dr John La Salle
Project Leader CRC20025: Remote Microscopes
Phone: 02 6246 4262
Fax: 02 6242 4264

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December 2006 – December 2007
$161,000 (cash and in-kind support)