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De Barro

Dr Paul De Barro is a molecular ecologist who completed his PhD at the University of Adelaide and a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Southampton before joining CSIRO.  He has published extensively with more than 50 ISI publications in journals such as Science, Molecular Ecology, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Ecological Applications, Biological Invasions, Plant Pathology, Phytopathology, Bulletin of Entomological Research and Biological Control on topics involving the spread and economic impact of invasive species, insect ecology and behaviour, plant pathology, biological control, arthropod systematics and invasion mechanisms and processes. He is a member of the editorial board for Bulletin of Entomological Research and has experience in cotton, cereals, grain legumes, horticulture and sugar cane.

Dr De Barro's experience in plant biosecurity is primarily in the development and implementation of strategies to mitigate the impacts of species that have either invaded or are threatening to invade. As well he has participated in the development of research strategies for key pests such as fruit flies and invasive ants; in the review of biosecurity research groups; in the review of import risk analyses; in the development of international and national collaborations on key areas of biosecurity including pest risk analysis and threats to pollination.

Paul is currently the CRC's representative for its involvement in the EU 7th Framework Program PRATIQUE, is a member of the Implementation Board of the Consortium of Barcodes of Life, the Australian Barcoding Steering Committee and the National Tramp Ant Committee. He was also a member of the Steering Committee for the National Fruit Fly Strategy and chaired the Strategies Research and Development subgroup.

Paul is based in Brisbane.