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Biosecurity threats: the design of surveillance systems, based on power and risk

Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  2009
Authors  Barrett, S.; Whittle, P.; Mengersen, K.; Stoklosa, R.
Journal Title  Environmental and Ecological Statistics

Planning for the worst

Publication Type  Magazine Article
Year of Publication  2008
Authors  Taylor, S.
Magazine Name  GRDC Ground Cover Grain Hygiene Supplement
Issue  76
Publisher  Grains Research and Development Corporation

Planning for the worst - website link

The emergnece of strong resistance

Publication Type  Magazine Article
Year of Publication  2008
Authors  Collins, P.
Magazine Name  GRDC Ground Cover Grain Hygiene Supplement
Issue  76
Publisher  Grains Research and Development Corporation

Rapid tests for phosphine resistance

Publication Type  Magazine Article
Year of Publication  2008
Authors  Leonard, E.
Magazine Name  GRDC Groundcover
Issue  76
Publisher  Grains Research and Development Corporation

Timing of propagule release significantly alters the deposition area of resulting aerial dispersal

Student Project Reference: 
Publication Type  Journal Article
Year of Publication  2010
Authors  Savage, D.; Barbetti, M.J.; MacLeod, W.J.; Salam, M.U.; Renton, M.
Journal Title  Diversity and Distributions: A Journal of Conservation Biogeography
Volume  16
Issue  2
Pages  288 - 299
Start Page  1
Publisher  Blackwell Publishing
DOI  10.1111/j.1472-4642.2009.00634.x

New tools on the horizon for exotic disease control in feral pigs

The Global Biosecurity 2010 Conference provides many biosecurity experts the chance to present their research, including Dr Lapidge who will discuss techniques to predict and manage potential disease spread in feral pigs.

Global Biosecurity Media Relese: 27 January 2010

A survey of the Central West Asia and North African regions for Luteoviridae Viruses

Student Project Reference: 
Publication Type  Conference Paper
Year of Publication  2008
Authors  Loh, M.; Kumari, S.; van Leur, J.; Freeman, A.; Ford, R.; Rodoni, B.
Conference Name  9th International Congress of Plant Pathology
Conference Start Date  24/08/2008
Conference Location  Torino, Italy

Texture Descriptors via Stable Distributions

Student Project Reference: 
Publication Type  Conference Proceedings
Year of Publication  2008
Authors  Khuwuthyakorn, P.; Robles-Kelly, A.; Zhou, J.
Conference Name  2008 Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications
Series Title  Proceedings of the 2008 Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications
Publisher  IEEE Computer Society