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Scenario Tree Analysis of Grain Surveillance for Karnal bunt in Western Australia

Publication Type  Presentation
Year of Publication  2008
Authors  Hammond, N.
Meeting Name  

Australian Centre of Excellence for Risk Analysis Project 0703 Combining Disparate Data Sources - Workshop

Meeting Start Date  

March 2008

Meeting Location  


CSI-inspired research to enhance quarantine detection methods

CRC researchers are using forensic methods to test overseas travellers’ hair, footwear and clothing for potentially harmful plant pathogens.

Global Biosecurity Media Relese: 15 January 2010

Revision of the Genus Epiphyas - the light-brown apple moth in context (WA focus)

Student Project Reference: 
Publication Type  Presentation
Year of Publication  2008
Authors  Hitchcock, B.
Meeting Name  

Meet the Scientist - Neale Junction Nature Reserve Expedition

Meeting Start Date  

4 October 2008

Meeting Location  

Dunnart Camp, Neale Junction Nature Reserve

Crossing the community-government communication border in managing citrus biosecurity in West Timor, Indonesia

Student Project Reference: 
Publication Type  Presentation
Year of Publication  2009
Authors  Mudita, W.
Meeting Name  

CRCNPB 2009 Science Exchange

Meeting Start Date  

22 - 34 September 2009

Meeting Location  

Sunshine Coast

Developing new tools to detect the troublesome Tribolium

Publication Type  Presentation
Year of Publication  2009
Authors  Chyb, S.; Bailey, K.; Glatz, R.
Meeting Name  

CRCNPB 2009 Science Exchange

Meeting Start Date  

22 - 24 September 2009

Meeting Location  

Sunshine Coast

Grains Knowledge Networks

Publication Type  Presentation
Year of Publication  2009
Authors  Taylor, S.; Slattery, J.; Dibley, S.
Meeting Name  

CRCNPB 2009 Science Exchange

Meeting Start Date  

22 - 24 September 2009

Meeting Location  

Sunshine Coast

Eliciting expert opinion from experts – some lessons from ecology, psychology and reliability

Publication Type  Presentation
Year of Publication  2009
Authors  Low Choy, S.; Mengersen, K.
Meeting Name  

CRCNPB 2009 Science Exchange

Meeting Start Date  

22 - 24 September 2009

Meeting Location  

Sunshine Coast

Improving the integrity of exotic plant pest surveillance data with hand-held (PDA) computers

Publication Type  Presentation
Year of Publication  2009
Authors  Emery, R.
Meeting Name  

CRCNPB Science Exchange

Meeting Start Date  

22 - 24 September 2009

Meeting Location  

Sunshine Coast

A method for statistical design of complex biosecurity surveillance systems

Publication Type  Presentation
Year of Publication  2009
Authors  Whittle, P.; Barrett, S.; Jarrad, F.; Murray, J.; Mengersen, K.; Stoklosa, R.
Meeting Name  

CRCNPB 2009 Science Exchange

Meeting Start Date  

22 - 24 September 2009

Meeting Location  

Sunshine Coast