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This project assessed the susceptibility of Australian plant species, grown and sold as ornamentals within parks and gardens and provide valuable data on the susceptibility of these plants to P. ramorum.

What is the biosecurity problem?

There are many Australian plant industries and ecosystems where climatic conditions are similar to that found in the USA and Europe which support P. ramorum disease development. If introduced into Australia, this pathogen has the potential to have a significant impact on the nursery, horticulture and forestry industries, and become a major ecological threat in areas with susceptible hosts and conducive climates. To prevent the introduction of P. ramorum into Australia, the potential host range and their role in transmission of the disease needs to be understood.

This information will allow Australian regulators to develop appropriate quarantine protocols for nursery trade and determine the risk posed by the pathogen to the nursery and horticultural industries and to some extent the forest industries, and natural ecosystems.

The main outputs of this project were to:

  • improve knowledge to assist with determining the risk that P. ramorum poses to the nursery, horticultural and forest industries and native forest ecosystems.
  • Improve knowledge when targeting plant species for surveillance to enable early detection and incursion management.

Who are the end-users of this research?

This project delivered a new PhD graduate trained in plant pathology, with specific skills in the identification of a recognised EPP and its biology and epidemiology. The graduate will be immediately employable within the plant biosecurity industry, increasing Australia's capability to detect and manage new incursions. The susceptibility of Australian horticultural and native plant species to the EPP, and its potential spread will also be determined.


Miss Kylie Ireland
Student CRC60033: Hosts of Phytophthora ramorum - PhD

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Leader Assoc Professor Giles Hardy
Supervising Institution
Murdoch University
January 2007- December 2009