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Dr Gary Kong is a Principal Plant Pathologist with the Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries (QDPI&F). Gary's research with the CRCNPB research will contribute to and improve the speed and accuracy of plant pest diagnostic procedures.


Gary has a background in Plant Pathology research and since 1987, has studied foliar diseases of field crops. In particular, he has investigated the genetics of resistance to biotrophic and necrotrophic pathogens of sunflower, studied the evolution and population dynamics of the sunflower rust pathogen and developed disease management strategies using marker assisted selection (MAS) as a breeding tool to pyramid disease resistance genes. In addition, he has managed a large research program within QDPI&F consisting of plant breeders, genetic resources and post-entry quarantine facilities.


Gary's current interests include the development of electronic information systems such as databases, web-interfaces and remote diagnostic networks. He represents the CRCNPB on the Sub-committee for Plant Health Diagnostic Standards (SPHDS) which develops and recommends national standard processes related to plant pest diagnostics.


Gary lives and works in the rural city of Toowoomba located two hours west of Brisbane.